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business spotlights 

We acknowledge businesses who have provided support to OHPCA on Business Appreciation Day by presenting them with Certificates of Appreciation and proclamations from Mayor Duggan and the Governor’s office, state senator, state representatives, and congresswoman.

JANCO Distributors Inc. is a full Wholesale – Retail Candy and Confectionary Store. The name JANCO stands for James Arthur Nall Company. JANCO offers more than one thousand varieties of candy. It is an authorized Deca Supplier which supplies candy for all occasion: Holidays, Special Events, Showers and Fundraisers. If you are an organization in need of raising funds, JANCO can help you fulfill your goals. JANCO Distributors Inc. is a yearly donor to O’Hair Park Community Association (OHPCA). Therefore we, the O’Hair ParkCommunity Association, salute and appreciate you!

Stop by and get some amazing treats!
Contact: Mr. James Arthur Nall
15928 Grand River Ave.
Detroit, MI 48227

Grandy’s is a well-established full-service drive through and dine-in restaurant. Grandy’s has many locations throughout the Metro Detroit area. Grandy’s moved into the O’Hair Park neighborhood  and is supported by many living in the neighborhood.

Grandy’s is a proud supporter of the O’Hair Park Community Association. Therefore we, the O’Hair Park Community Association , salute and appreciate you.

Contact: Maria
Grandy’ Coney Island and Restaurant
19833 W. Seven Mile Rd.
Detroit, MI 48219